Today's Active Devotion: Write a Eulogy for each of your family members.
"I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given you in Christ Jesus." 1 Corn. 1:4 I tutor several children in writing. I recently gave them a difficult assignment that had some interesting results. I asked each of the children in one family to write a eulogy for each of the others. I didn't do this to be insensitive, if fact, the idea was prompted by the funeral of an 18 year-old in our community who had died in a car accident. Almost two thousand people (most of them teens) attended this young man's funeral. I wondered if he had any idea when he was alive just how loved and valued he was. Hence the project and its results. Why do we wait to share our best thoughts and memories of a loved one until after they have passed from this life? This task may be difficult to accomplish, but I
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Families can have a personality, just like individuals can. We have friends who do mission work around the world as a family, others who donate time to their church and others who run prayer dinners. Families can also sin together. We can develop bad habits of gossip, judgement, even lying. Consider having a family meeting to discuss your family's temptations to sin. Take appropriate steps to avoid the near occasion of that sin and correct it, together.
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