Challenge: Be fully present when we receive Holy Eucharist! It's happened to all married couples at one time or another; the marital embrace has been interrupted by a little voice outside the bedroom door or a shout down the hallway. We reluctantly leave our intimacy to attend to a need. Why then, do we not always have that same feeling when we have received the Eucharist? Why are our hearts not protective of those moments of intimacy in the same way? We receive Communion, return to our pew and often fall into distraction, talking, perhaps even boredom when we should be falling more deeply in love with Our Savior. Can we even imagine how our spouse would feel if we checked our social media or answered a text in the middle of sexual intimacy? Yet, the marital embrace is but a glimpse of the ecstasy we will share with the Lord in heaven! We should be as fully present to the Lord when we receive the Eucharist as we are to our spouse when we experience those moments of intimacy. God bless!